
How does a microplastic filter work?

Article | 13 March 2024
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How does a microplastic filter work?

PB offers several types of water filters. The big advantage with PB is that all our filters can also remove microplastics down to 0.02 microns (µm) from the water. At PB you can choose from different systems to filter your water for Legionella, microplastics and other bacteria. PB International’s filter modules filter the water you draw from the tap, trapping microplastic particles and preventing them from getting into your glass of water. As well as being filtered by the water treatment company, your home or office water is filtered again before you drink it or use it for any other purpose.

There is a lot of talk about our health and all the harmful substances in the air and water around us. There is also a lot of talk about microplastics and the risk to humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that microplastics are generally considered to be of low toxicity, but may contain unbound monomers and additives. The potential health risk then depends on the amount of microplastics a person is exposed to and how that exposure occurs. There is a significant difference between ingestion, inhalation and contact. According to the WHO, there is too little information and research to draw firm conclusions. However, initial tests suggest that humans excrete most of it through the digestive system and that risks are only seen when large amounts are ingested. Such amounts are not generally found in our drinking water, which is subject to strict controls in the Netherlands.

By adding a filter, you ensure that your water receives extra filtration. Whether you use it in the office or at home. In this way you are less likely to come into contact with microplastics as small as 0.02 microns (µm), and PB’s filters will capture them. PB’s filters are self-cleaning, so there’s nothing to replace or return. Filtration systems are bespoke and built to an integrity test. This ensures that your filtration system will work properly. PB has been a specialist in ultrafiltration membrane filtration modules for 20 years. PB helps you to achieve clean and safe drinking water.

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